Technical Info

Okinawa prefecture is located in the southernmost of Japan. .okinawa is a GeoTLD for Okinawa prefecture. The purpose of .okinawa is to promote Okinawa and spread to the world Okinawa brand. .okinawa Sunrise: July 1, 2014 - Augast 30, 2014 .okinawa Land Rush: September 8, 2014 - October 8, 2014 .okinawa General Availability: from October 14, 2014 Download .okinawa Domain Name Registration Policies

Ryukyu is the place names of old Okinawa. .ryukyu is a GeoTLD for Okinawa prefecture. The purpose of .ryukyu is to promote Okinawa and spread to the world Okinawa brand. .ryukyu Sunrise: October 20, 2014 - December 19, 2014 .ryukyu Land Rush: December 24, 2014 - January 23, 2015 .ryukyu General Availability: from January 28, 2015 Download .ryukyu Domain Name Registration Policies